Saturday, October 11, 2008

Not posting?

So it's been a while since my last post, and it's actually not for lack of things to say, just lack of desire to say them. Political topics are out, as in recent weeks the dividing line in this country has become more of a chasm than a line. Neither side can honestly understand for the life of them how any reasonably sane person could vote for the other candidate. In all seriousness, they may as well go ahead and have the election now, no minds are being changed from here on out. I suggest if you, too, are despairing over the countless morons voting for whoever your "other" guy is, look at it the way I do - the economic situation is going to get worse before it gets better, no matter WHO gets elected. Likewise, no matter who gets elected, approximately 50% of the public will be screaming for their blood from the moment of election, and as the economy worsens the new incumbent will be blamed. Whoever gets elected has 4 years. Period. After which the opposite party could run an incontinent goat as their candidate and still win handily. It's a nifty feature of democracy. Maybe someday we will get past the 2 party system and have more choice, but until then, just remember "This too, shall pass."
In other news,with rising prices we have been enjoying (no, I'm serious) some belt-tightening at our house, and we were stunned to realize how much money we were wasting every month. I even wrote a post talking about specific things we cut, ways we are saving money, and how much we have rediscovered simple pleasure like cooking, playing board games, watching movies we ALREADY OWN, and just the joy of hanging out together.
So basically, yes, I have some things to say, but nothing anyone would be interested in. What's on your minds lately?