Thursday, September 11, 2008

Obligatory First Post

One thing I've found, in looking at probably 30-40 of these things is that everyone starts off with a nice shiny new post. It usually includes words like "cyberspace," "test," and "Hello World!" So, there you are. I also found that apparently blogging is like a new diet. Sure, some people make it a part of their life, and some even accomplish such great things they become rich and famous as people pay great sums of money to view the results fo their hard work (I'm lookin at you, Jared). However, most people post once or twice, forget their password, and go off to lead completely blog free lives. So there you have it. Already, you are in suspense. What kind of blog will this be? Will I be the next Wil Wheaton? Or will I be like the guy that took "The Drones Club?" Only time will tell. Which, if you've been following the goings on at CERN, may be as simple as looking back on our 4-D universe from a moving point int he 5th dimension. Or not. Scientists rarely agree on such things. I'm going to try leaving commenting open, If this descends into a collection of dirty limericks or worse, well, I'll remove them, no one will be able to comment, and I'll still have all kinds of witty rhymes about people from places like Nantucket. So really, I win.

Oh, and I meant the bit about the humorous pub sign. I just need to draw it up. I mean, if you know my (very low) sort of humor, you can likely figure it out. It will involve a garderobe, a dead canary, and a very embarrassed monarch.

Some upcoming ideas:

The Amazon Kindle
My Parents on Linux, 1 year later
Whither the Wii?

Anyway, that's enough unjustified self importance for one night. Seacrest out.

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